Welcome to the CRD CR’s web pages

The Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as the „Centre“) is a budget-subsidised organisation established by Act No. 248/2000 Coll., on support of regional development, and managed by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic. It was founded at the end of 1996 with the main purpose to support the regional policy of the Government to be implemented through European funds.

Between 1999 and 2004, the Centre administered PHARE, ISPA and SAPARD pre-accession programmes, while in the programming period 2004-2006 it took care of the Joint Regional Operational Programme, Single Programming Document for Objective 2 and INTERREG. In the following programming period 2007-2013, the Centre was in charge of administering the Integrated Operational Programme, the Technical Assistance Operational Programme as well as cross-border, supranational and interregional programmes (the European Territorial Cooperation).

When considering the current programming period 2014-2020, the Centre is responsible for the Integrated Regional Operational Programme (IROP) along with the programmes falling under the European Territorial Cooperation. The Centre is involved in administration of operational programmes through its role of an intermediary body and at the same time is in charge of consultations, administration of project applications as well as of monitoring and reviewing implementation and sustainability of projects including checks of public contracts concluded within the public procurement process.

The Centre is also part of the world-wide consulting network for small and medium-sized businesses known as the Enterprise Europe Network – it is one of the six host organisation of this network in Czechia. For more information please visit www.een.cz.

Integrated Regional Operational Programme (IROP)

Concerning the programing period 2014-2020, approximately EUR 20.5 billion will be available for Czechia from the European funds. This amount is divided among eight thematic operational programmes, two special programmes covering fishery and agriculture, five cross-border cooperation programmes and six supranational and interregional cooperation. The IROP is the second largest Czech operational programme as it was allocated EUR 4.6 billion. Its priority is to enable balanced development of the territory, to improve its infrastructure, to enhance public services and public administration as well as to ensure sustainable development in villages, cities, and regions.

For more information in English see: http://www.dotaceeu.cz/en/Fondy-EU/2014-2020/Operacni-programy/Integrovany-regionalni-operacni-program

For more information in Czech see: http://www.strukturalni-fondy.cz/cs/Microsites/IROP/Uvodni-strana

European Territorial Cooperation

As in the previous programming period, also in the following period between 2014 and 2020, the Centre was appointed as the administering body responsible for the programmes of the European Territorial Cooperation.

The programmes are as follows:

  • INTERREG V-A Czech Republic – Poland (www.cz-pl.eu)
  • INTERREG V-A Austria – Czech Republic (www.at-cz.eu)
  • INTERREG V-A Slovak Republic – Czech Republic (www.sk-cz.eu)
  • Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme Czech Republic –Free State of Bavaria ETS Objective 2014-2020 (www.by-cz.eu)
  • Cross-border Cooperation Operational Programme Free State of Saxony – Czech Republic 2014-2020 (www.sn-cz2020.eu)
  • Interreg Central EUROPE National Cooperation Programme (www.interreg-central.eu)
  • INTERREG DANUBE National Cooperation Programme (www.interreg-danube.eu)