Enterprise Europe Network is a European network effectively providing advice and worthwhile information to small and medium-sized enterprises and firms with the objective of increasing their competitiveness in the European market. One of the offices of this network operates at the Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic.

What the Enterprise Europe Network offers

  • Consultancy on the issues of European legislation and other rules
  • Information on the conditions for enterprise within the whole of Europe
  • Assistance in foreign partner search
  • Utilisation of the European database of offers/inquiries
  • Ensuring of feedback between enterprises in the EU and the European Commission
  • Technical leaflets, an electronic monthly, publications on European issues

Apart from individual consultancy for companies, Enterprise Europe Network organises also specialised technical seminars and conferences. It is able to mediate participation of companies at international trade exchanges. Its ability to search for contacts in a special European database of offers and inquiries is also of great importance. Last but not least, it issues technically orientated publications concerning enterprise in the EU. A vast majority of services in the whole network is provided quite free of charge.

Contacts and further topical information:
Information on the European network:

Services of the Enterprise Europe Network are funded from the European Union’s SMP Programme under the agreement No 101052765 and by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.