Services, consultancy, assistance

Services of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) at the Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic include specific consultancy and information on the EU Single Market and the potential for increasing the competitiveness of companies.

Services of the EEN at the CRD CR

  • Consultancy in the sphere of European legislation
    • strong focus on cross-border provision of services and posting of workers – download brochure on this topic in English (information provided for all EU/ EEA states) here
  • Providing information on business environment in EU countries
  • Informing on EU and Czech programmes and projects
  • Mediation of participation in trade exchanges and matchmaking events organised to support international cooperation of companies – e.g. MBM Tourism Prague 2022 or MBM For Arch 2019
  • Publishing the offers/inquiries of companies in the global Partnering Opportunities Database
  • Forwarding the entrepreneurs’ opinions to the European Commission
  • Organising technical seminars, trainings or conferences on topical business issues
  • Preparing tailored information for entrepreneurs